Chapter 3 – page 16
Here are some SpiderForest comic of the week features!

It’s my stupid birthday! HAVE A PAGE. (fling) Seriously though…
I did something I generally try not to do, which is do some retcons. I wouldn’t point it out, except that there’s actually a few completely new pages in the archive (though they all replace old pages). The old pages are all still available, linked beneath the page that was replaced. There are a few completely redone pages and about 10 others where I modified panels. It is worth rereading SORRY MITSUKAITEN because I think it reads a lot smoother. I mean, I liked the original draft okay.
I only made changes in places where I thought the old art failed to properly tell the story I wanted to tell. I have reached a point where my art skills are actually aligned with what I hoped the comic would look like when I launched back in 2013, but, I’m not going to redraw all the art, if it’s serviceable it stays. However, in some places the speech bubbles were ALL over the place, or I had done something experimental and I found it no longer made sense to me. While these things were amazing artistic experiments, and I do not regret making them and sharing them with you, I really wanted to create an experience that was also good for a first time reader. I found places where people tended to stop reading and made adjustments there, as well as where critics pointed out that there were a few issues.
Anyway, all that rambling aside, I do want you to know that no matter how much fun I’m having doing Lucy’s comic, I have not forgotten about you, my loyal few readers. I cherish each plerkle of fanart, each dingle of the Paypal, each thoughtful comment. I may not be as fast at updating as the cool kid’s comics, but… I put out a LOT of comic pages last week… and I feel weirdly comfortable in saying, I think I might actually have come over the hill. And before me, the sun is rising.
Thanks for your time.
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Woooooo gonna reread it again!
Happy Birthday!
And thanks very much for adding the revised pages. The new versions do indeed make what is happening significantly clearer: there were a few places where I had misinterpreted things or failed to fully understand that the new versions cleared up.
[By the way, minor misprint: the previous page was page 15 of Chapter 3, so this must be page 16.]
I’m just getting started on your comic, so I might not appreciate the difference, but I know it can feel good to fix some things that have been bugging you.
Happy Birthday! hope it was a good one!
Hi all,
I’ve only just discovered this comic on here and binge read the lot. Absolutely love your art style!
Can I ask if the comic ended here? Or did I miss something in the comments where it’s been moved to another site?
Hi Meesh. I’m on hiatus right now but will be returning after the insanity subsides… in fact I even have the next few pages pencilled, finally. Thank you so much for the kind comments. :)
Happy Birthday!?