Chapter 3 - page 16 - Stargazer's Gate

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6 thoughts on “Chapter 3 – page 16

  1. Happy Birthday!

    And thanks very much for adding the revised pages. The new versions do indeed make what is happening significantly clearer: there were a few places where I had misinterpreted things or failed to fully understand that the new versions cleared up.

    [By the way, minor misprint: the previous page was page 15 of Chapter 3, so this must be page 16.]

  2. I’m just getting started on your comic, so I might not appreciate the difference, but I know it can feel good to fix some things that have been bugging you.
    Happy Birthday! hope it was a good one!

  3. Hi all,

    I’ve only just discovered this comic on here and binge read the lot. Absolutely love your art style!
    Can I ask if the comic ended here? Or did I miss something in the comments where it’s been moved to another site?

    1. Hi Meesh. I’m on hiatus right now but will be returning after the insanity subsides… in fact I even have the next few pages pencilled, finally. Thank you so much for the kind comments. :)

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